Vasantraodada Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Deola, Maharashtra

Factory Name : Vasantraodada Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Deola, Maharashtra
Operational Status : Closed
Plant Name : Vithewadi
Code : 12201
Factory Nature : Co-Op
Nearest Railway Station : Manmad 58 Km.
Nearest Hotels : 1) Radhika - Satana - 10,Km 2) Sai Sakshi - Satana -8 Km
Holiday : Sunday
Courier Service : Professional
Bank Details : -
GST Number : -
Plant Make : NHEC
Cogen Capacity : 15 MW
Milling Plants : 1 set of Knives, Fibrizor, 18 Rollers, Roller size 820 x 1525mm
Mobile Number : --
Phone Number : -
Fax Number : --
Email : -
Website : --
Address : Vithewadi (Lohoner), Tal. Deola
City : Deola
Pin Code : 423 304
State : Maharashtra
District : Nashik
Nearest City/Town : Deola 7 Km.
Nearest District : Nasik 77 Km.
# Name Designation Phone No Mobile No Email
2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021
Crushing Capacity (Ton/Day) Nill 2500 2500 2500
Cane Crushed (Lakh M.T.) Nill 1.19 2.03 1.93
Sugar Produced (Lakh Qtl) Nill 0.95 1.95 1.67
Sugar Recovery (%) Nill 7.97 9.61 8.87
Molasses Produced (M.T.) Nill 7680 B - Heavy 11224 B - Heavy --
Sugarcane Rate/Ton (Rs.) Nill --
Type : Grain
Plant Make : Alfa Laval
Technology : Continuous
ETP and Plant : Bio-Composting
Production : Annual
Production Capacity - Alcohol : 30 KLPD
Production Capacity - RS : 30 KLPD
Production Capacity - ENA :
Production Capacity - Ethanol : 30 KLPD
Incharge : -
Phone Number : -
Email :