Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd., Unit - Maizapur, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh

Factory Name : Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd., Unit - Maizapur, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh
Operational Status : Working
Plant Name : Maizapur
Code : 48001
Factory Nature : Private
Nearest Railway Station : Gonda
Nearest Airport : Lucknow and Ayodhya (U.P.)
Nearest Hotels : 1) Gonard, 2) Suraj, Gonda 25-28 Km., Approx. Rs. 5000/-
Holiday : Sunday
Courier Service : Trackon, DTDC, Bludart
Bank Details : State Bank of India, Gonda, A/c.No.- 31529111315, Type- Cash Credit, NEFT/IFS Code- SBIN0000084
GST Number : 09AAACB9373Q1ZW
Plant Make : KCP
Cogen Capacity : 10 MW
Milling Plants : 1 Chopper, Leveller, Fibrizor, 5 Mills Zero and 4th mill size 930 x 1730mm, 3 nos. Rollers & 1 nos. TUFR, 1-4 mill, size 965 x 1980mm with AC VFD drive, Zero mill having size 970 x 1700mm long with AC VFD drive alongwith GRPF, Size 970 x 1700mm long with under feed roller 1190 x 1700mm long. There are 22 rollers wich have been fitted for these all 5 mills & GRPF, Chopper 52 Knieves driven by 600 HP motor 591 RPM having swing dia 1800mm Cane cutter-58 knives driven by 600 HP motor 742 RPM Swing Dia 1600mm, Fibrizer swing type hammers 136 nos. of swing dia 2200mm driven by 1000 HP x 2 moters speed 738 RPM.
Mobile Number : 8009091826
Phone Number : 8009091826
Email :
Website :
Address : Vill. Maizapur, PO. Haldharmau, Tehsil - Colonelganj
City : Gonda
Pin Code : 271 126
State : Uttar Pradesh
District : Gonda
Register Office Address : "FMC Fortuna", 2nd Floor, 234/3A, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata 700 020, Ph. (033) 22874749
Nearest City/Town : Katra Bazar 4 Km.
Nearest District : Gonda 24 Km.
# Name Designation Phone No Mobile No Email
1 Vivek Saraogi C.M.D.
2 Sandeep Agarwal C.G.M. (Unit Head) 8009091826 N.A.
3 Rajeev Mishra HOD (Engg.) N.A 9639321111
4 Pradeep Kumar Mishra G.M. (Production) N.A. 9651992443
5 Pawan Kumar Chaturvedi HOD (Cane) N.A. 7080402302
6 Mukesh Kumar Jhunjhnnwala HOD (Fin.) N.A. 9792200535
7 Anoop Kr. Srivastava HOD (Disti.) N.A. 9129058223
8 Narendra Upadhyay A.G.M. (HR & Admin.) N.A. 9727452603
2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021
Crushing Capacity (Ton/Day) 4000 4000 3000 3000
Cane Crushed (Lakh M.T.) 50.33 4.43 3.39 3.67
Sugar Produced (Lakh Qtl) 1.90 - 3.40 3.65
Sugar Recovery (%) 3.78 - 9.99 9.94
Molasses Produced (M.T.) 94.90 - 16103 26072(B.Hy)
Sugarcane Rate/Ton (Rs.) 0.038 - -- 3250
Type : Grain
Plant Make :
Technology : Continuous
ETP and Plant :
Production : Seasonal
Production Capacity - Alcohol :
Production Capacity - RS :
Production Capacity - ENA :
Production Capacity - Ethanol : 343 KLPD
Incharge : Anoop Kr. Srivastava
Phone Number : 9129058223
Email :